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FEATI University focuses on Scholarship as it bids graduates adieu in April commencement exercises

The University, its officials, faculty members and staff, parents, and well-wishers, came out in full force on April 24, 2013 at Summit Hall C and D of the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), to celebrate the successful completion of years of hard work by hundreds of its students in a ceremony that underscored Scholarship as the FEATInian way of stepping up in “Meeting the Challenge of a Changing World”.  

Dr. Milagros P. Navarro, Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences & Education (CASE) on this year’s chosen theme expounds, “Scholarship is the creation of new knowledge and new methods from existing ones through research and deep study. With the advancement of science and technology, new problems and even diseases arise for which old cures no longer apply. Society needs scholars whose newly created knowledge and know-how help them in confronting new challenges. Also, one of the aims of scholarship is to prepare new generation of leaders who have ideas free from biases and prejudices. For this reason, students who are the future leaders of our country must be given the proper training of scholarship through hard work and practice of integrity and honesty…..Scholarship allows one’s mind to see situations beyond the environment and connect problems experienced with those of others. As such, FEATInians have been trained to work hand in hand with their professors and school administrators to conduct research ceaselessly in order to discover more brilliant ideas as well as marvelous things for humanity.”
Dr. Filemon A. Uriarte, Jr., this year’s Commencement Speaker inspired the graduates to use their special God-given abilities to relentlessly pursue their purpose, serve others, and be the best that they can be. Dr. Uriarte, an Academician of the National Academy of Sciences and Technology (the highest national honor an academician can receive) and former Secretary of Science and Technology, got his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University and his B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of the Philippines. He has written numerous scientific and technical papers and has held senior positions at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. He also served as an expert, resource person or consultant for ESCAP, UNEP, WHO and UNESCO.

Following University tradition, a baccalaureate Mass was celebrated by Mass Presider Rev. Fr. Serafin Peralta, CM /Director, AIC (International Association of Charity)/ Asian Executive Director of the Congregation of the Mission; and Co-Presider, FEATI University Chaplain Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Tomo, SSS. The Graduation Rites then began with the Conferment of Degrees and the awarding of medals to the honor graduates.

Roberta Jane L. Rivera, Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration magna cum laude was this year’s Valedictorian. She was followed onstage by four cum laudes of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Aircraft Maintenance Technology: John Gabriel G. Decena, BS Aeronautical Engineering; Rei Marie M. Frani, BS Aeronautical Engineering; Mark Gregorii S. Manuel, BS AMT; and Mark Dylan I. Lafuente, BS AMT.
Graduating “With Distinction” were Fadella Mae B. Omay, BS Customs Administration; Jeffrey B. Macarayon, BS Mechanical Engineering; Cedrick V. Berones, BS AMT; Mozes Arriz M. Acorda, BS Aeronautical Engineering; and Messiah Q. De La Cruz, BS Information Technology.

Joining this year’s Commencement Exercises under the University’s Graduate Programs were, Eduardo V. Figuerres Jr., Master of Arts in Education Major in Administration and Supervision who completed his thesis on “Leadership Behavior and Decision-Making Styles of School Administrators at Asian Social Institute, Inc: Input to a Customized Continuous Development Program of the Institute”; and Francisca G. Jayectin, Master of Science in Management Engineering who completed her thesis on “Management of Biomedical Waste: Basis for an Appropriate Waste Management Strategy”.

Those who willingly sacrificed and burned the proverbial midnight oil earned the right to march on stage and bask in their singular moment of triumph.

Much appreciation goes out to the Graduation Committee for making this year’s commencement exercises one for the books!

Congratulations, Batch 2013! (AMD)



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